Friday, January 27, 2012

Why vegan?

Why vegan? Why not vegan? I'm convinced it is clean and healthy eating. I've done my own research using various resources (vegans I know, books, documentaries, blogs, etc.) Books such as Fast Food Nation and Forks Over Knives really have me convinced that a plant based diet is the way to go. Unsanitary and inhumane conditions on farms and meat factories makes me sick to my stomach. Eating something that once had a face and a mother is wrong. I have not totally given up all meat and dairy. This morning I ate oatmeal and drank coffee. Lunch I ate a veggie sandwich from Jimmy Johns. It was so good! Next time I'll have to tell them hold the cheese and mayo but double up on the sprouts, cucumbers, and avocado spread. For dinner, I ate chicken strips with a spicy peanut and spinach sauce over udon noodles. I put the strips on the side of the noodles (the vegan dish I was trying). I liked the dish! I gave my two boys, ages 2 and 3, the non-spicy version of the pasta. The youngest ate some while the oldest turned up his nose. I figured since they like peanut butter, then they would like the sauce. I was so wrong. They did eat 2 chicken strips each. My plan is to try some vegan dishes during the week and slowly kick to the curb the processed junk. NEWAY OMG I just had a nasty mental image of Mc Donald's chicken nuggets. I will NEVER eat or buy from them again. Recently there was some pics on Facebook floating around about MCD chicken nuggets and one of their burgers. I'm making a stink face as I type this. The nugget and burger meals had been sitting on an office counter for several months. The food didn't even look shriveled up or moldy. Then there was a pic of processed chicken nuggets before they are actually formed into nuggets. The stuff looked like some roman candy or a laffy taffy. Gross! I can't even look at those pics again! Gross! I have to stop typing and drink some tea to treat my nausea. I will have to have a Part 2 of this blog titled Why vegan? Bye Bye!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How it started

In mid 2011, my husband and I "went vegan." We knew this was the best way to eat healthy, eating foods straight outta nature's backyard. No meat! No dairy! It was my husband's idea. Not mine! I wasn't on board right away. I'm thinking, "No cheese? Eggs? Seafood? Poultry?" I was worried. What would we eat everyday? Fruits and veggies all day! Really? My husband doesn't cook or bake. He did before we got married, but that is another story. He suggested we buy some cookbooks. I was a bit excited because that gave me a good reason to shop on Amazon. I LOVE SHOPPING ON AMAZON! I'm always checking out their daily deals at least once a day! NEWAY So after a night of reading several comments about too many vegan books. I decided on The Vegan Table and The Joy of Vegan Baking both by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. I also bought Veganomicon (I feel like I say the title wrong every time the word comes out my mouth.) We were probably vegan for a few days if that. The vegan thing didn't last long. I cooked using some of the recipes from the vegan cookbooks. We tried and failed. We get an A for effort! Right? Some recipes were winners and too many were just nasty. The cookbooks were put on our bookshelf to collect dust. I was beginning to love the idea of eating vegan, but the reality of vegan eating was too big of a challenge that I wasn't ready to tackle. My husband would agree. We were not ready but how do we get there? I feel like we should get educated on eating a plant based diet, try eating a few plant based meals during the week, and slowly stop buying and eating crap! Crap = cow's milk, processed foods, meat from animals of all kind, etc. This is my plan. One day I will fully commit myself to eating a plant based diet but not today. I'm not quite ready. I want to use this blog to chronicle my adventures and misadventures of eating a plant based diet.